Tool Videos from MadMatt

Tools and Spares I take Offroad with me!

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General 4×4 spares that are in my off road tool kit!

Here is some of my general 4×4 spares that I take in my off road tool kit.

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Specific 4×4 Spares that are in my off road tool kit!

Here I talk about specific 4×4 spares that I find are essential for my off road tool kit.

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Essential Electrical Tools for your Off Road Tool Kit

Check out what Electrical Tools I take with me Off Road! Often a problem in the bush comes down to a simple electrical fault but you may need some tools and things to fix it.

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9 Specific Tools in my Off Road Tool Kit

9 Specific Tools in my Off Road Tool Kit Here are 9 specialty tools that I take when I go off road. What must have tools would you add to a 4×4 tool kit? Or what do you specifically need for your 4×4 vehicle?

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